19 research outputs found

    Naixement a l鈥檃igua: seguretat de la mare i el nad贸, satisfacci贸 materna i posicionament de les societats cient铆fiques

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    Naixement a l'aigua; Aigua calenta; SeguretatNacimiento en el agua; Agua caliente; SeguridadBirth in the water; Hot water; SecurityAquest informe t茅 com a objectiu descriure i sintetitzar l鈥檈vid猫ncia cient铆fica disponible sobre la seguretat materna i neonatal i la satisfacci贸 de les gestants sobre el naixement a l鈥檃igua en comparaci贸 amb el naixement convencional, en dones de baix risc obst猫tric i analitzar el posicionament de les diferents societats cient铆fiques

    Value-based healthcare in Catalonia: challenges and opportunities to contribute to the future

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    Atenci贸 sanit脿ria basada en el valor; Serveis de salut; Nous models assistencialsAtenci贸n sanitaria basada en el valor; Servicios de salud; Nuevos modelos asistencialesValue-based Healthcare; Health services; New healthcare modelsL'atenci贸 sanit脿ria basada en el valor -en angl猫s Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC)- representa un nou paradigma en la provisi贸 de serveis de salut. L'AQuAS publica aquest treball de reflexi贸 on s'explora la definici贸 d'aquest nou paradigma i es proposa un nou model que permeti incrementar el valor de l'atenci贸 sanit脿ria al sistema de salut de CatalunyaThe health care based on the value -in English Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) - represents a new paradigm in the provision of health services. Published work explores reflection on the definition of this new paradigm and proposes a new model that would increase the value of health care in the health system of Catalonia.La atenci贸n sanitaria basada en el valor -en ingl茅s Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) - representa un nuevo paradigma en la provisi贸n de servicios de salud. El AQuAS publica este trabajo de reflexi贸n donde se explora la definici贸n de este nuevo paradigma y se propone un nuevo modelo que permita incrementar el valor de la atenci贸n sanitaria en el sistema de salud de Catalu帽a

    Catalan experience of deadoption of low-value practices in primary care

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    Pr脿ctica basada en l'evid猫ncia; Millora de la qualitat assistencial; Ci猫ncia de la implementaci贸Evidencia basada en la pr谩ctica; Mejora de la calidad de la asistencia sanitaria; Ciencia de la implementaci贸nEvidence-based practice; Healthcare quality improvement; Implementation scienceReducing ineffective practices is one way to ensure highquality and efficient healthcare for the population. For this reason, several initiatives have been implemented worldwide to reduce low-value care. This article describes the experience of the Essencial project, a multifaceted deadoption strategy implemented in the Catalan primary care system. Lessons learnt from this project include the importance of considering the local context in deadoption strategies, providing adequate training and communication material to patients and clinicians and supporting the key role of clinical champions. Given the knowledge gaps regarding the conditions for successful deadoption strategies, the Catalan experience could provide enlightenment on how to implement, evaluate and sustain a large-scale collaborative deadoption strategy in primary healthcare

    Bones pr脿ctiques: gesti贸 infermera de la demanda

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    Bones pr脿ctiques; Gesti贸 infermera de la demanda; Atenci贸 al pacientBuenas pr谩cticas; Gesti贸n enfermera de la demanda; Atenci贸n al pacienteGood practices; Demand nurse management; Patient careAquest document t茅 com a objectiu identificar mesures facilitadores que ajudin a l鈥檈scalabilitat de la bona pr脿ctica en Atenci贸 Prim脿ria Gesti贸 Infermera de la Demanda, que permetin augmentar i millorar la implementaci贸 a tot el territori

    m-RESIST, a Mobile Therapeutic Intervention for Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Usability Study

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    Mental disorder; Schizophrenia; Treatment-resistantTrastorno mental; Esquizofrenia; Resistentencia al tratamientoMalaltia mental; Esquizofr猫nia; Resist猫ncia al tractamentBackground: In the European Union, around 5 million people are affected by psychotic disorders, and approximately 30%-50% of people with schizophrenia have treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS). Mobile health (mHealth) interventions may be effective in preventing relapses, increasing treatment adherence, and managing some of the symptoms of schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia seem willing and able to use smartphones to monitor their symptoms and engage in therapeutic interventions. mHealth studies have been performed with other clinical populations but not in populations with TRS. Objective: The purpose of this study was to present the 3-month prospective results of the m-RESIST intervention. This study aims to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and usability of the m-RESIST intervention and the satisfaction among patients with TRS after using this intervention. Methods: A prospective multicenter feasibility study without a control group was undertaken with patients with TRS. This study was performed at 3 sites: Sant Pau Hospital (Barcelona, Spain), Semmelweis University (Budapest, Hungary), and Sheba Medical Center and Gertner Institute of Epidemiology and Health Policy Research (Ramat-Gan, Israel). The m-RESIST intervention consisted of a smartwatch, a mobile app, a web-based platform, and a tailored therapeutic program. The m-RESIST intervention was delivered to patients with TRS and assisted by mental health care providers (psychiatrists and psychologists). Feasibility, usability, acceptability, and user satisfaction were measured. Results: This study was performed with 39 patients with TRS. The dropout rate was 18% (7/39), the main reasons being as follows: loss to follow-up, clinical worsening, physical discomfort of the smartwatch, and social stigma. Patients' acceptance of m-RESIST ranged from moderate to high. The m-RESIST intervention could provide better control of the illness and appropriate care, together with offering user-friendly and easy-to-use technology. In terms of user experience, patients indicated that m-RESIST enabled easier and quicker communication with clinicians and made them feel more protected and safer. Patients' satisfaction was generally good: 78% (25/32) considered the quality of service as good or excellent, 84% (27/32) reported that they would use it again, and 94% (30/32) reported that they were mostly satisfied. Conclusions: The m-RESIST project has provided the basis for a new modular program based on novel technology: the m-RESIST intervention. This program was well-accepted by patients in terms of acceptability, usability, and satisfaction. Our results offer an encouraging starting point regarding mHealth technologies for patients with TRS.This work has been supported by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union (grant 643552) and partly funded by CERCA (Centres de Recerca de Catalunya) Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya

    Guia per a la implementaci贸 de projectes d鈥檃tenci贸 sanit脿ria basada en el valor

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    Atenci贸 sanit脿ria basada en el valor; Serveis assistencials; Decisions compartidesAtenci贸n sanitaria basada en el valor; Servicios asistenciales; Decisiones compartidasValue-based health care; Assistance services; Shared decisionsEn aquest article es presenta la metodologia i els principals resultats del proc茅s d鈥檈laboraci贸 de la guia. Aquesta guia va dirigida als i les professionals i gestors/es sanitaris/脿ries que tinguin un inter猫s i coneixement b脿sic sobre la desimplementaci贸 de pr脿ctiques de poc valor (iniciativa Essencial), la presa de decisions compartides i la participaci贸 per a la millora de serveis assistencials; aix铆 com als professionals que vulguin impulsar projectes per promoure un canvi cultural en aquests 脿mbits dins les seves organitzacions

    Comparative evaluation of community interventions for the immigrant population of Latin American origin at risk for Chagas disease in the city of Barcelona

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    Introduction: Chagas disease presents bio-psycho-social and cultural determinants for infected patients, their family members, close friends, and society. For this reason, diagnosis and treatment require an active approach and an integral focus, so that we can prevent the disease from creating stigma and exclusion, as is actively promoting access to diagnosis, medical attention and social integration. Methodology: The study was conducted in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) from 2004 to 2017. After an increased detection rates of CHD in our region, the process of construction of community strategies started (2004-2013). Different community interventions with informational, educational, and communication components were designed, developed, implemented, and evaluated. The results of the evaluation helped to determine which intervention should be prioritized: 1) workshop; 2) community event; 3) in situ screening. Afterwards, those strategies were implemented (2014-2017). Results: Each of the three strategies resulted in a different level of coverage, or number of people reached. Thein situscreening interventions reached the highest coverage (956 persons, 58.98%). Clear differences exist (p-value<0.001) between the three strategies regarding the percentage of screenings and diagnoses carried out. The largest number was in thein situscreening intervention, with a total of 830 persons screened despite the greatest number of diagnoses was among the workshop participants (33 persons, 20.75% of those screened). The prevalence of infection found is similar among the three strategies, ranging from 16.63% to 22.32% of the screened patients (p-value= 0.325). Conclusions: The results of the study show that community interventions seem to be necessary to improve access to diagnosis and treatment of CHD in the area of Barcelona. They also show which strategy is the most appropriate based on the detected needs of the community, the proposed objectives of the intervention, and the given socio-temporal context

    Guia per a la implementaci贸 de projectes d鈥檃tenci贸 sanit脿ria basada en el valor

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    Atenci贸 sanit脿ria basada en el valor; Presa de decisions compartides; Serveis assistencialsAtenci贸n sanitaria basada en el valor; Toma de decisiones compartidas; Servicios asistencialesValue-based health care; Shared decision-making; Assistance servicesAquesta guia de recomanacions busca ser una inspiraci贸 i refer猫ncia per a la implementaci贸 de projectes dins del marc d鈥檃tenci贸 sanit脿ria basada en el valor per involucrar professionals, pacients i cuidadors/es en: desimplementaci贸 de pr脿ctiques de poc valor, presa de decisions compartides i millora de serveis assistencials

    Avoidable adverse events in primary care: retrospective cohort study to determine their frequency and severity

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    Seguridad del paciente; Errores m茅dicos; Atenci贸n Primaria; Calidad asistencial; Estudio de cohortesSeguretat del pacient; Errors m猫dics; Atenci贸 Prim脿ria; Qualitat assistencial; Estudi de cohortsPatient safety; Medical errors; Primary Care; Care quality; Cohort studyObjetivo Determinar la frecuencia de eventos adversos evitables (EAE) en atenci贸n primaria (AP). Dise帽o Estudio retrospectivo de cohortes. Emplazamiento consultas de medicina de familia y pediatr铆a de Andaluc铆a, Arag贸n, Castilla La Mancha, Catalu帽a, Madrid, Navarra y Comunidad Valenciana. Participantes Se determin贸 revisar un m铆nimo de 2.397 historias cl铆nicas (nivel de confianza del 95% y una precisi贸n del 2%). La muestra se estratific贸 por grupos de edad de forma proporcional a su frecuentaci贸n y con revisi贸n paritaria de historias de hombres y mujeres. Mediciones principales N煤mero y gravedad de los EAE identificados entre febrero de 2018 y septiembre de 2019. Resultados Se revisaron un total de 2.557 historias cl铆nicas (1.928, 75.4% de pacientes adultos y 629, 24.6% pedi谩tricos). Se identificaron 182 EAE que afectaron a 168 pacientes (7,1%, IC 95% 6,1-8,1%); en adultos 7,6% (IC 95% 6,4-8,8%) y 5,7% (IC 95% 3,9-7,5%) en pacientes pedi谩tricos. Las mujeres sufrieron m谩s EAE que los hombres (p = 0,004). La incidencia de EAE en ni帽os y ni帽as fue similar (p = 0,3). 6 (4.1%) de los EAE supusieron un da帽o permanente en pacientes adultos. Conclusiones Buscar f贸rmulas para incrementar la seguridad en AP, particularmente en pacientes mujeres, debe seguir siendo un objetivo prioritario incluso en pediatr铆a. Uno de cada 24 EAE supone un da帽o grave y permanente en el adulto.Objective To determine the frequency of avoidable adverse events (AAEs) in Primary Care (PC). Design Retrospective cohort study. Location Family medicine and paediatric clinics in Andalusia, Aragon, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, Madrid, Navarre, and Valencia. Participants A review was performed on a designated sample of 2,397 medical records (95% confidence level and 2% accuracy). The sample was stratified by age group as regards the frequency of physician consultations and considering equal distribution of male and female patients. Main measurements Number and severity of identified AAEs from February 2018 to September 2019. Results A total of 2,557 medical records were reviewed (1,928, 75.4% of adult patients, and 629, 24.6% paediatrics). A total of 182 (7.1%, 95% CI 6.1-8.1%) AAEs that affected 168 patients were identified, which included 7.6% (95% CI 6.4-8.8%) in adults and 5.7% (95% CI 3.9-7.5%) in paediatric patients. The number of AAEs in women was higher than in men (P = 0.006). The incidence of AAEs in boys and girls was similar (P = 0.3). Permanent damage was caused by AAEs in 6 (4.1%) adult patients. Conclusions Seeking formulas to increase patient safety in PC should remain a priority objective, particularly in female patients and in paediatrics. One in 24 AAEs causes serious and permanent damage in adults